Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SNNR web stack: SQLite, NGINX, Node.js, Raspberry pi

I'm writing to introduce SNNR, a "new" web stack: SQLite, NGINX, Node.js running on a Raspberry Pi.  I intend to use this stack for home heat monitoring and controlling.  I had previously built some electric imp based devices to monitor the temperature, and then built some to act as thermostats, and initially I will use this stack to provide a very simple API for the electric imps to store data.  Later it will  provide a web app for users to display temperature data and control the thermostats.  The stack runs on a Raspberry Pi 2 model B running Raspbian, uses NGINX (v1.2.1), Node.js (v4.2.4) and SQLite3.
All code available at this repository on github: https://github.com/dllahr/home_control/tree/v0.1